Boston Children's Hospital


June - August 2019 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I love just how welcoming and appreciative they were of the projects that I assisted with. I love how passionate they were about the work that they did.

What I wish was different

I do not wish anything to be different it was an amazing opportunity.


I would share that it is important to put yourself out there and try to network as much as you can.
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Student Research Intern

June - August 2018 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I liked the environment, all the learning opportunities I had, and the people I worked with.

What I wish was different

Less time spent in front of a computer at a desk.


Make use of the oppurtunities.
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June - August 2017 • Waltham, MA

What I liked

The hands-on research experience and the ability to conduct your own project.

What I wish was different

Wish that I was more working as part of the team rather than the lone wolf.


A strong quantitative (stats) background is highly recommended.
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Undergraduate research assistant

May - August 2017 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I loved being in the Longwood Medical Area. I had the opportunity to conduct research, meet patients, and shadow various physicians and clinical psychologists. I felt like the work I was doing was important and it cemented by desire to spend my life helping people.

What I wish was different

I wish I had received some sort of stipend from Colby to cover my daily travel expenses.


Start looking for internships early for the summer and show continued interest by applying for jobs a second time if you are not successful initially.
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Research Assitant

January - September 2017 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I liked the experience and knowledge I received at Children Hospital as I learned a plethora of information about learning disabilities,

What I wish was different

I had to dig through many webpages to apply for the internship position initially.


Talk to your supervisors and peers! They usually have great advice and can help you with letters of recommendation etc.
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sports medicine intern

May - August 2018 • Waltham, MA

What I liked

How flexible they were with my schedule and daily activities. I really could ask to participate in anything there which was an awesome experience. it gave me good exposure to a top notch hospital which has really helped me in my current job.

What I wish was different


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Patient Experience Representative

June 2017 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I liked being part of a team and helping patients and their families.

What I wish was different

I wish there were more opportunities for learning and growth. I spent a year in this position and never really got the chance to learn more about the field. Instead, I spent much of each day doing mindless work of making patient packets. I wish this monotonous work was more evenly spread out amongst my coworkers, instead of being thrown to me as the new hire and never getting the support I needed.


I did not feel intellectually stimulated or challenged at all. In fact, a bachelor's degree is not a requirement for this position. I felt like I wanted to grow more academically, and this position was not aiding me. This job pushed me in the direction of graduate school, which I now attend. This was a fine first job out of Brandeis, but if you are looking for anything remotely intellectual, be aware that this may not be for you.
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Clinical nursing assistant

February 2017 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I love working with pediatric cancer patients and helping them battle and get through what is the hardest thing a child could ever endure in life.

What I wish was different

Absolutely nothing


If you love something as much as you do don't hesitate to do it because when working as something you love to do it's not really working its living.
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Budget and Strategic Business Planning Intern

May - August 2018 • Boston, MA

What I liked

Amazing experience, I got to see and be a part of the behind the scenes decision making of the #1 Children’s Hospital in the country.

What I wish was different


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Student Trainee/Intern

September 2018 • Waltham, MA

What I liked

I enjoy how flexible the opportunity is, which makes it possible for me to work on and focus on areas that I am interested in being exposed to.

What I wish was different

The only thing I wish had been different about this opportunity was the timing. I wish I had applied for and experienced the position earlier!


Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself. I have always thought research would be too hard for me to try, but I have already been exposed to so many new things and I learn every day. I’m loving it so far!
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Nutrition Intern

June - August 2018 • Boston, MA

What I liked

All of the men/women I worked with were very knowledgable and helpful in showing me the way to become a successful Registered Dietitian in a field that is very challenging and requires a vast array of knowledge.

What I wish was different

If it were a paid internship that would have been better for me since money is very tight being a college student.


Soak up as much knowledge as you possibly can in the short time you are working. These professionals were once in your shoes and they know what it takes to succeed in their field.
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Research Intern

June - August 2018 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I enjoyed the research

What I wish was different

I wish I had housing closer to work


You get out what you put in - try to go to lots of lectures to learn the most
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Pediatric Epilepsy Research Assistant

June - August 2018 • Boston, MA

What I liked

I was able to shadow doctors and observe rounds and also to make contributions to the research team. I also really enjoyed sitting in on various lectures about pediatric epilepsy and neurology in general. Seeing the team aspect of the research team was also interesting because I was able to sit in on meetings, and also give my own journal presentation.

What I wish was different

I never felt like i had my own project, and would have liked to felt like i actually accomplished something specific instead of various tasks by the end of the summer.


make sure to make good connections with the team members because many interns come back and get jobs in the future.
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