To be quite frank, a lot of the things that I did at the Marketing department last semester for Channel 4 (right now I am at the News Assignment Desk for Channel 4) involved Excel. I learned how to navigate the company's software on my own and mostly went out on the field and in the studio for cl...
The Human Resources Internship with NBCUniversal is so beneficial to a college student because it teaches you how to take ownership of your work. It is not "go grab a coffee for me" kind of internship. You are desalinated tasks each day and fully responsible for executing them in a timely manner....
Human Resources
Work Ownership
In terms of skills, customer support is key for client services. Organization skills. Basic knowledge of windows environments and troubleshooting. Anything else is extra.
You have complete ownership over your events during the Olympics, as you are the only person that is working on that event when it is live. You then send along your highlight reel and log to an editor who may make some changes and add it to the website. Our bosses even emailed us that the Emmy Aw...