Andritz Inc

Laboratory Assistant Intern

March 2019 - May 2021 • Arlington, TX

What I liked

(1) It's been a good two years now. This is my fourth job and I've had some bosses that ranged from alright to good. My next boss will have to be pretty awesome to top my boss there at Andritz. (2) My team was really nice and considerate to each other. No pettiness there. Everybody is so nice and patient. I was a little surprised by it when compared to my previous work experience. (3) It was so flexible. I worked full-time during breaks from school and part-time during school/summer school. I could re-adjust my part-time schedule fairly well so long as I notified my team (useful around midterms/finals). (4) I wasn't micromanaged. Once they teach you how to do your job, it's up to you to do your part. (5) When I swapped majors, they didn't treat me any differently. I still felt part of the team.

What I wish was different

This is also my fault for not speaking up. Sometimes I wished they taught me how to work some of the bigger machinery or conduct some of the other tests. Don't be afraid to show your interest.


(1) Communication is key. Informing the team about relevant stuff and asking questions is always good. (2) Show your interest. If you want to know or learn a bit more about stuff, don't be afraid to ask. (3) Working in the lab may not be the best if you are very sensitive to strong smells and/or have a weak stomach to the smell of the samples. (4) Don't be afraid to talk and meet people outside the lab.
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