Aqua Tots Swim Schools - Michigan - California - Florida

What might an average work day be like for someone who's a swim instructor at Aqua Tots Swim Schools?

Well you show up about 30 minutes before your first class do whatever chore needs to be done such as checking chemicals in the pool or sweeping the pool they you call your class and assist them into the pool then you have a card that tell you what skills you have to teach for each level and you d...
Day in the Life Educational Service Swim Instructor Aqua Tots Swim Schools
3 answers

Looking for tips related to interviewing for a swim instructor position at Aqua Tots Swim Schools!

The interviewer asks a lot of questions about what you think the negative qualities about yourself are/ what qualities you have that would not be/would be beneficial to the team. The first part of the interview is 30 minutes of you and the manager talking. The second half of the interview you get...
Interview Educational Service Swim Instructor Aqua Tots Swim Schools
2 answers