Bannock County
Grounds Caretaker
June - August 2019 • Pocatello, ID
What I liked
The work was tough and made you really appreciate getting an education instead of working manual labor.
What I wish was different
Maybe easier work, but at the same time we weren’t getting paid for easy work.
I would recommend stepping out of your comfort zone when apply to places as you are likely to learn a lot about yourself and a different trade.
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Drone pilot
May - September 2019 • Pocatello, ID
What I liked
I liked that my job was in the field of study that I went to college for.
What I wish was different
I wish the pay had been more because I was limited to 120 hours a month so after paying bills there wasn't much left over.
It's great experience, don't discount the experience for the pay.
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Youth Development Center Intern
May - July 2019 • Pocatello, ID
What I liked
It was a great view into the juvenile system.
What I wish was different
I wish it would have been paid.
Interact with the kids.
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