Bob Casey for Senate

Political Department Intern

May 2018 • Pittsburgh, PA

What I liked

I liked that it was a small office with not many interns, because I got to know my superiors pretty well and felt comfortable asking questions or talking them more than I had with other internships. It was also great to be able to see what they were doing most of the time, so it was kind of an internship mixed with shadowing.

What I wish was different

I wish that there was more constructive tasks or projects for me to work on, although I recognize that it was a little bit more of a lenient application process so they weren't completely comfortable with giving me that responsibility until later in the summer.


Ask questions and don't hold back! Sometimes you have to ask to help if people aren't used to having you there. And everyone is receptive to criticism about the program or discussions about what the shortcomings are.
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