Easy application process through handshake. Exciting job training and super part time working hours for a busy student. Great work environment with stellar folks and lots of recreational/skills building opportunities.
What I wish was different
I wish there had been no trainings before school started.
Handshake is the way to go, especially for on-campus jobs. The outdoor program is an exciting place with lots of opportunities to grow. Working part-time as a trip leader or anywhere in an outdoor leadership position isn't the most lucrative of occupations, but worth it as an extra-curricular opportunity to get outside.
One person found this helpful
Membership Service Desk Attendant
May 2019 • Boise, ID
What I liked
It was a great environment to work in with wonderful coworkers.
What I wish was different
I was unable to take a sick day.
If everyone helps one and other the job is easy and fun.