Bushnell & Associates

Tax Preparer

November 2019 - August 2020 • St. George, UT

What I liked

My supervisor was very kind and supportive. He taught me about taxes and bookkeeping very well. He is a good man with integrity.

What I wish was different

The boss, Ron Bushnell, was very cold and distant. Never once did he ask me about my personal life or how I was doing. He often would call in from his California office and yell at me for something that happened weeks prior, and I had no context. He lied about bonuses, pay, and often shorted me on my paychecks. When it came to discipline and correction, he was always very unprofessional. The reason I finally left the company was because he yelled at me for expecting overtime pay (which I was entitled to as an hourly employee), and calling me "selfish", "entitled", and "a negative influence on the office". He is currently being prosecuted by multiple people for bad practices, and I wouldn't trust him in any situation.


COMPLETELY AVOID working here! You will be expected to work extremely hard for little to no reward. Successes are ignored, and mistakes are met with swift retribution.
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