Cambridge Community Television

About Cambridge Community Television

Our Mission: Cambridge Community Television nurtures a strong, equitable and diverse community by providing tools and training to foster free speech, civic engagement, and creative expression while connecting people to collaboratively produce media that is responsive, relevant, and effective in a fast-changing technological environment.

What Does CCTV Do?

CCTV operates:
- Three local cable channels, 8, 9 & 96, featuring programming produced by Cambridge residents, arts and cultural organizations and city agencies.
- A dynamic, media-rich website, including the Cambridge Media Map and the Cambridge Calendar.
- Hands-on media production and technology workshops, providing access to emerging technologies and state-of-the-art media equipment.
- NeighborMedia, an innovative citizen journalism program offering coverage of local issues and events.
- computerCENTRAL, the Cambridge Savings Bank and Google public computer labs, hosting classes and public drop in hours for those without access to computers and the internet.
- Special outreach programs for seniors, immigrants low-income communities and non-profits.
- The Youth Media Program: a vibrant media arts and work experience program for underserved teens.

Who does CCTV Serve?
CCTV's constituency covers the full diversity of this city including Cambridge residents of all ages, socio-economic backgrounds, racial, religious and cultural communities, and physical abilities. CCTV creates programming by identifying under-served communities and soliciting input on community needs from community leaders, residents, and City and school representatives.

Who Runs CCTV?
The Board of Directors governs CCTV and oversees the work of the Executive Director who supervises CCTV staff and volunteers. The Board works to ensure that our programs are addressing the needs of the community.

What Makes CCTV Excellent?
CCTV has been named number one in the country ten times by the national Alliance for Community Media. Members and staff have received local and national awards for programs they have produced at CCTV.


Editor Intern

June 2019 Somerville, MA
“The people who work here are great. I’ve had a lot of fun being part of the team”
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