
Construction Services Intern

June - August 2023 • El Segundo, CA

What I liked

Housing was provided, great relocation assistance, well put together intern program

What I wish was different

Better positions available, I ended up doing cost and scheduling not engineering at all


Multiple rotations are recommended for a return offer. Better suited for chemical engineers
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Software Engineering Intern

June - September 2023 • San Ramon, CA

What I liked

I loved the work-life balance that Chevron had, which gave me time to enjoy my summer as well as do impactful work.

What I wish was different


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chevron engineer

May - July 2023 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked


What I wish was different

That the companies can actually talk to you


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Wells Intern

May - August 2023 • Greeley, CO

What I liked

This was a fantastic experience. Chevron provides the tools you need to be successful in the short time you are there over the summer. The mentorship program is top notch. Not only are you paired with a mentor for your project, you are also paired with someone who acts as your general Chevron mentor. The projects themself contain real material that the business unit is actively working on. You act as an a true engineer for the summer. It isn't watered down material. You are given a challenge, but you are also given the tools to be successful.

What I wish was different

Overall, the experience was very positive. There is not much that I wish had gone differently. Chevron is such an incredible company to work for.


Go for it! The internship was integral in my development as an engineer. It may seem daunting at first, but this experience allows for so much growth.
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Software Development Intern

July - September 2020 • San Ramon, CA

What I liked

Very dedicated in keeping a healthy and productive workspace environment

What I wish was different

I wish the internship would have been in-person because all the people are great!


I was surprised that Chevron had such valuable opportunities for Computer Science majors like me, so I'd say for those looking for such opportunities should keep their horizons of companies broad
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Process Engineer

June - August 2019 • El Segundo, CA

What I liked

The exposure to such a big industry. This facility was huge with all equipment in all chemical engineering principles that are studied in school. The people were kind and helpful in this learning journey. The location was beautiful. The pay was highly competitive. We even got a chance to meet with the CEO of the company and discuss important future goals of the company in the energy sector. Nothing more you can really ask for in an awesome internship.

What I wish was different

Longer experience. Some of the weeks did not include working on site. Just wished I could have had a little more time getting more in depth learning of individual chemical engineering processes and operator relations.


Come in humble about your schooling knowledge. Although the same principles are using in industry, there is a lot of experience and knowledge operators bring to the table that school does not provide. Learn as much as you can, and try to see the big picture of the industry and operations.
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Design Engineer

June - August 2020 • El Segundo, CA

What I liked

The work was challenging.

What I wish was different

In person


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Design engineer intern

June - August 2020 • Pascagoula, MS

What I liked

I loved learning about Chevron engineering standards, ASME standards, and API standards in safe designs.

What I wish was different

I wish it was not virtual.


Don’t get discouraged about not getting offers and instead continue to network with engineers and apply to jobs.
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Drilling Engineering Intern

May - August 2018 • Houston, TX

What I liked

The experience and atmosphere. Having legitimate responsibilities and adding value was quite exciting.

What I wish was different


Always ask questions and see what you can do to go above and beyond your duties.
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Financial Analyst Intern

May - August 2019 • Houston, TX

What I liked

The city, corporate business, training, networking

What I wish was different

Better communication


Come prepared to learn, work hard, read between the lines, and put in the extra effort.
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Drilling Engineering Intern

June - August 2019 • Houston, TX

What I liked

What I wish was different


Take the opportunity if presented. Fantastic learning experience.
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April 2018 • Monroe, LA

What I liked

It was easy

What I wish was different

If I made more money


People are rude so don't ask them how their day was because it was bad
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safety and health intern

May - August 2019 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

The work environment was very supportive and you had personnel from all kinds of different departments working to help each other succeed.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had taken more initiative to get in additional field time. I was behind my desk more often than anything and I wish I could’ve changed that.


Never be scared to do something you have minimal to no knowledge about, you will have subject matter experts there to help you learn as you gain experience.
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Assistant manager

January - December 2018 • Winter Haven, FL

What I liked

I loved interacting with the customers and being able to learn how to run a privately owned corporate business.

What I wish was different

Nothing. It was a great experience that taught me many important life lessons.


Patience is key when it comes to customer service. Also being able to listen to people’s concerns rather than judging how they ask for help.
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Customer Service Representative

May - August 2019 • Greensburg, LA

What I liked

I loved how i used my position to network with various supervisors of different companies. I was offered a new job several times.

What I wish was different

I wish the owner would have been a more respectful person and not let his personal issues influence his decison making skills.


Take care of your character and watch your words. We are contantly being tested and we must lower ourselves or fall short due to our tempers. However, dont take any 💩 either. You do not have to be subjected to nonsense.
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Customer Service Representative

June 2019 • Newport Beach, CA

What I liked

Great hours that work with school schedule. Awesome coworkers. Safety culture that this company puts emphasis on.

What I wish was different



Need to have thick skin as customers would never blame themselves for anything. Be yourself and also be professional as this does help be viewed by higher corporate supervisors. What you make out of this job, is what you get out of it. Customers are pleasant for the most part.
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Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Houston, TX

What I liked

It was a good learning experience and I was able to work on a project that actually effected the company!

What I wish was different

We were all required to make an app on the PowerApps platform instead of a traditional Hackathon.


If you get the opportunity do it! Chevron is a great company that cares about their employees and culture.
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Petroleum Engineering Intern

May - August 2019 • Bakersfield, CA

What I liked

This past summer was an incredible experience, I can't begin to describe how much I learned and grew as a professional. Chevron is a fantastic company to work for that has an outstanding company culture. The benefits and compensation for the summer are substantial. One of the best parts of working within the San Joaquin Valley Bussiness Unit was the people. I built an incredible network of colleagues and friends that I look forward to working with again in the future.

What I wish was different

I have no complaints about my internship experience, there's a reason Chevron is one of the highest-rated intern programs in the nation.


Start early in preparing to apply for an internship, the process begins early in the year and closes early in the year so you must be prepared. If you get an intern position, make sure to get to know everyone that works with you and around you. Chevron interns are not coffeemakers, you work just as much as a full-time employee and are valued just as much. Every employee there wants to help you succeed, but you have to reach out and let them.
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Productions Engineering Intern

April - August 2019 • Midland, TX

What I liked

I was able to experience exactly what I would be doing if I was a productions engineer for Chevron. Nothing but generous people willing to share their industry knowledge with you. I was afforded the opportunity to visit all three fields in the Permian Basin to learn about operations first-hand. While outside of work the intern network was very close, and we got to participate in a number of activities organized through different employee networks such as hiking to the highest point in Texas, the Guadalupe Mountains.

What I wish was different

More information about how to live in Midland and general better communication throughout the school year on deadlines and requirements.


Go in with a mindset that you are there to learn first and foremost, and that it is okay to ask questions. Instead of sifting through mountains of data, you can learn twice the information in half the time simply by talking to a subject matter expert, or really just about anybody who might know more about the topic than you might.
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Infrastructure Systems Analyst

June - September 2019 • San Ramon, CA

What I liked

Great culture and community. Company hosts events to allow interns to meet executives and other employees. Reasonably good compensation and housing stipend. Company attracts awesome people.

What I wish was different

Not all projects were programming based or had to do with low-code platforms, which aren’t for everyone


There’s tons of opportunities to meet people; take them and learn about tech positions in a non-tech company. Spend time with other interns whenever possible!
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