Cintas Corporation

Management Intern

January 2023 • Vista, CA

What I liked

The culture at Cintas immediately stood out to me when applying and did not disappoint when I started my internship! Everyone is so supportive and kind and there are constant opportunities to meet and collaborate with partners from different locations and positions. I love that there is real value in everything that you do whether it be working alongside partners in their daily activities or working on a project to help improve operations. This program allows you to take the initiative and get out how much you put in and is constantly challenging you in the best way to help you grow as a leader!

What I wish was different


Be prepared to be challenged to reach your full potential and take the time to get to know every partner! Everyone has experiences or advice to share and genuinely wants to see you succeed!
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Management Intern

August 2023 • Bakersfield, CA

What I liked

The Cintas Internship has exceeded my expectations. Not only is this program hands on, but you work/shadow side by side the leadership team/our partners(employees). I have enjoyed the different rotations within the Internship to learn more about each department. As an Intern I am involved in the meetings we have for the location, have had opportunities to network with other Interns/Management Trainees in my region, have met Executives within our company, and have been assigned projects that impact our location. I also have 1:1 time with my GM to learn more about his role in the company. The culture at Cintas is top tier, my GM Tom has really provided me a great Internship experience!

What I wish was different

I have enjoyed being an Intern at Cintas and can't say I wish anything was different. I have had hands on training throughout my internship, and they work around my school schedule. I am currently a Senior at my local University and Cintas allows me to put school first. My experience has been great!


My piece of advice for anyone starting their internship is to ask questions. There is so much information you will learn during the program and so many different acronyms that Cintas uses, that I recommend asking if you don't know or don't understand. Cintas has built a culture where everyone is excited to see each other grow and is willing to help one another. By asking more questions you will better understand the material and will have a chance to meet new people.
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Management Trainee

June 2023 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

I started as an intern and loved it so much that I accepted a full-time position as a management trainee. Everyone is so friendly and you make connections instantly. You have hands on experience in the plant and out in the field. The rotations in the program allow you to have an idea of where you would like to go after the program. The rotational aspect of the program also allows you to be more successful when you have that manager role because you would already know the ins and outs of ops/service rather than someone from the outside. This allows you to transition into the role easier because you 1. Have the knowledge already and 2. Have a relationship with the people.

What I wish was different


This job requires grit! Tough times don’t last but tough people do.
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Business Operations Intern

June - August 2023 • Milford, OH

What I liked

What I wish was different


Be open to every opportunity and challenge you are presented with. Each of the production, service, and sales rotations offer something different for you to learn about what makes Cintas's culture so special, and each presents you with different important takeaways. Every aspect in this internship is designed to help you grow as a partner at Cintas and as an individual in your daily professional life.
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November 2021 • Painesville, OH

What I liked

I like the work environment and sense of comradery. Everybody across the different departments is friendly. There is a sense of pride in our work ethic and close-knit community. Any time you see a Cintas truck or product out in the world you get that sense of recognition and pride.

What I wish was different


There is something to be learned for everyone in this position regardless of how closely it may seem to fit your educational background or career aspirations. There is plenty of opportunities and room for growth within the company.
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Corporate Accounting Intern

May - August 2022 • Mason, OH

What I liked

Interaction with the field and collaborative, team environment.

What I wish was different

I would have enjoyed a more holistic view of the company. Unfortunately, accounting rarely gets hands on experience with the goods and services of the company.


This is a great introduction to corporate accounting and unlike many corporate accounting (or public accounting) careers, it is not a standard, repetitive desk job.
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Marketing & Analytics Intern

May - August 2022 • Mason, OH

What I liked

- The culture I experienced at Cintas was amazing. From day one, everyone took a genuine interest in me as a person rather than as an employee - I was exposed to both the creative and analytical sides of marketing - I had access to high level executives

What I wish was different

I wish Cintas adopted more modern technologies. They are a very traditional company and I feel like big improvements could be made if they modernize their business operations.


Be willing to talk to new people and take on new tasks. I had this mindset throughout the entirety of my internship and learned a lot about people's amazing stories and I also learned a lot about myself and what I enjoy.
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Sales Intern

May - August 2021 • Canton, OH

What I liked

I liked how Cintas exposed me to all of the aspects of business and especially for sales. Throughout the summer, I shadowed new business sales reps, account executives, service reps, the warehouse manager, and general manager. I learned so much from just asking questions and everyone was there to answer and help me out when I needed it. I also enjoyed getting real-world experience by making calls to set up meetings, attend those meetings, and then even help see the sale go through the service/product end.

What I wish was different

It honestly was a great experience, my one thing that I would change would be to get a little more exposed to the CRM, but that is just because I am majoring in sales and want to learn as much as I can.


My big piece of advice for this internship to thrive would be to not be scared to ask questions, the more questions you ask the more valuable the experience will be because you attain more knowledge. I also would say to be a learning sponge, so much new information will be coming at you, and you will meet so many new people but if you come in everyday with the want to learn, you will thrive and it will pay dividends in your future.
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Sales and Operations

June - August 2020 • Madison, WI

What I liked

Super nice and helpful people! Lots of advice and insight that they were eager to provide. Lots of freedom to embrace what being in sales is really like.

What I wish was different

More experience with operations - but it was a sales internship, so that is to be expected.


Make the best of it. Everyone is super willing to help you learn for your own benefit - not just about Cintas. Everyone has their own great insight on how to build a fulfilling career, whether you choose to stay at Cintas or not. I am glad I had this experience even though I chose a different company.
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Supply Chain Intern

May - August 2020 • Mason, OH

What I liked

Hands on experience, got to know managers and workers very well. Gained valuable supply chain knowledge in the midst of a pandemic

What I wish was different

Covid didn't limit some of experiences we could have had.


Listen and always ask questions if you are unsure. I was a sophomore and my fellow interns were juniors, they had more experience but listening to them and asking questions if I was confused about something really helped me understand
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Service Superviser

March 2014 • Lancaster, OH

What I liked

Leadership, gaining experience to become a manager. I am from Lancaster so the communte was great.

What I wish was different

My hours are all over the place, there is no discipline and constantly short on guys.


Ask for more responsiblity, never think a job is a waste of time. Always try to be positive, money isn't everything and experience is invaluable.
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Office Intern

May - August 2019 • Culpeper, VA

What I liked

I loved the pay for starters. I also liked that I was able to work on a variety of tasks which expanded my knowledge and ability in the Microsoft Office Suite. My coworkers were really nice and welcoming so overall it was a great atmosphere.

What I wish was different

I did not have a set desk which was a little frustrating, but other than that it was pretty great.


I don't have any advice really. It was a good job that allowed me to get a feel of what a full-time office job would be like if I ever got one.
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July 2019 • North Jackson, OH

What I liked

I loved the people and atmosphere of the company. they always had me doing something as well. i learned a lot.

What I wish was different

Maybe an opportunity for a raise.


Make sure you are ready to learn and do dirty work. It can be a dirty job at times, but the experience is worth it.
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Cintas Intern

June - August 2019 • San Leandro, CA

What I liked

I loved working for Cintas. Their culture is definitely top tier. I'm a super positive person that likes to radiate my energy to and from other people. I was more than happy with everybody I worked with. I got close with so many managers and workers that they're like family to me now. I also got to help plan and organize an event that Cintas threw for all of the employees that work there and it turned out amazing, as well as fun to plan. I was commuting from Stockton to San Leandro Monday-Friday and let me just say that this company made that long drive worth it. They're invited me to go back for the MT program and have made it known to me that they definitely want me there after I graduate.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had worked more in the production aspect more, but they needed help from me converting from As400 to SAP so I did a good amount of office work, but because I got so close with all the managers, from the general manager to the hr manager to the sales managers, they all took me under their wing and gave me A LOT of advice. Which I loved. I just wish I got to experience the productivity side of the warehouse more than what I was assigned. I still learned a lot on the production side and was able to experience and do tasks, just not as much as I would have liked to.


A piece of advice I'd share about my this experience would be just to be yourself. Everybody is so helpful and willing to give give and give to anybody that needs help. So definitely don'y be afraid to ask questions and definitely don't be afraid to take initiative in a lead role and lead whatever task you're assigned.
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Data Entry Intern

May - July 2019 • San Antonio, TX

What I liked

I was working with parts data entry for the maintenance department, which was great since I got to learn how many of the machines worked by learning what were all its parts for.

What I wish was different

I would have liked to interact and learn more with my boss, since most of the time I had to learn stuff on my own which was very inefficient and didn't let me achieve as much as I would have liked.


Sit down with your boss/supervisor and make perfect clear what you are expected to do. Don't try to fake already being an expert at what you are supposed to do, since it can easily lead to wasted time and effort doing things that weren't necessary or could have easily been fixed another way.
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Business Intern

June - August 2019 • Santa Rosa, CA

What I liked

Work culture, coworkers, type of work

What I wish was different

Wished I was able to work more as I started late June


Always make a connection with anyone you talk to in order to stand out
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April 2019 • Reno, NV

What I liked

The culture at Cintas is great. It is one that promotes personal safety and success that will follow you into the workplace. Everyone that works there is willing to answer questions, assist in problem-solving and is open and friendly. The GM Brian is awesome, he is very clear about his expectations abut also understanding when it comes to deadlines and realistic expectations for projects.

What I wish was different

The only thing that I wish was different was more of a learning experience for the interns. Since there are so many facets to Cintas' business, it would have been great to learn a little bit more outside of the office work that interns are mostly responsible for.


One piece of advice is to be open to learning. Often I found myself getting frustrated with not understanding the computer system or messing up on tasks that I had been trained on, but it is all part of starting at a new company. 6 months later and I am confident in my abilities and I know I can use other office partners as resources office when I am not so sure of myself.
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Marketing Intern

May - August 2019 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

I had the opportunity to explore many different aspects of marketing from data projects, email campaigns, and design projects.

What I wish was different

Nothing honestly. They gave me a lot of room to grow personally and professionally.


Go in with an open mind and be a sponge. You will be thrown in to unknown situations and that is where you will grow most.
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Business intern

May - August 2019 • Nashville, TN

What I liked

I loved the buisness environment and the ability to learn different parts of business.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have rotated to smaller locations to see the difference between a large and small location.


I would stay to stick with it. The first few weeks might be rough adjusting to the schedules and long days but it’s worth it.
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Sales Scholar

June - August 2019 • Pittsburg, CA

What I liked

A really big reason I had returned for a second summer was the people I worked with. The sales team always made sure I understood what I was doing and was always so appreciative of me. When I made phone calls they showed how proud of my progress they were. It was an experience I don’t think I would’ve been able to receive anywhere else.

What I wish was different


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