Coldstone Creamery

Ice Cream Server

May - August 2021 • St. Louis, MO

What I liked

Great coworkers, flexible hours, easy job in general

What I wish was different

If the management had better attitudes during work and it would be nice if they cared about employees more, slightly better pay would also be nice as well.


Great job for the summer, but not for life. Not from personal experience, but don't burn bridges; it might bite you in the behind one day.
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May - August 2019 • Morrow, GA

What I liked

I enjoyed making connections with people and networking.

What I wish was different

I wish my relationship with my boss had been better. If there was better communication, my time there would have been more pleasant.


The ice cream is amazing, and the people you encounter are even better.
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June - August 2019 • Arvada, CO

What I liked

The management and the friendly atmosphere

What I wish was different

I wish I had coworkers that were closer to my age


Taking a break from school to have a non-technical job/ a job not in my field of interest can remind you why you are working hard in school; so that you don't have to get paid a minimum wage salary and work in an ice cream shop for your entire career
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Store Manager

May 2020 • Vernon Hills, IL

What I liked

I enjoyed the amount of responsibility that I held as manager, and I really like the team of staff that I work with.

What I wish was different

There isn't much that I would change from this experience, but if I had to pick something, I would say that I wish there was more flexibility in terms of holiday pay.


Customer service jobs and management jobs can be hard! Just stick to your guns and try your best to make the employee/customer experience as enjoyable as possible.
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Shift leader

March - August 2019 • Miami, FL

What I liked

I loved my coworkers because they made the job entertaining and they were great people.

What I wish was different

A different owner.


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Restaurant Shift Leader

July 2017 - August 2019 • Hagerstown, MD

What I liked

For my first job I was able to have a large say in my schedule and there was a lot of opportunity for movement within my location.

What I wish was different


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Store Manager

July 2015 • Denver, CO

What I liked

I think everyone should have customer service experience, it really helps with building interpersonal skills. I also liked that the hours we're flexible with my schedule.

What I wish was different

This job doesn't really apply to what I want to do in my future career.


Don't be afraid to jump right in and start trying new things.
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Customer Sales

July - September 2019 • Cockeysville, MD

What I liked

Friendly and inviting atmosphere with good hours and easy work.

What I wish was different

Customers can sometimes be rude, but that is nothing you can change.


Learn all of the recipes for the ice creams as fast as possible or ahead of time so that you’re not looking at recipes with a line of 20 people.
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Icecream maker

March 2019 • Tempe, AZ

What I liked

The tips

What I wish was different

The base pay


Choose a busy store for better tips
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Restaurant Shift Leader

July 2016 - December 2018 • West Nyack, NY

What I liked

Great environment, fun job. Hours were not long when busy.

What I wish was different

Store equipment more efficient.


Have a positive attitude and become friends with your coworkers.
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Assistant Manager

May 2018 • Rogers, AR

What I liked

The Environment, the owner is super nice and caring and always makes sure her employees are okay and doing well outside of work. The GM is super friendly and he always makes sure everything gets done right and we leave on time always. It has been my favorite job to have because everyone is laid back and kind but also hard working so we get things done so we can be out on time.

What I wish was different

The only complaint was one of the assistant managers overused her power and got herself fired for being dumb. Its an easy job, so why lose it over something dumb like what she did.


Keep a good attitude and be a hard worker and this job will breeze on by for you. It's one of the best jobs you can have while in school!
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Ice Cream Maker

June - August 2019 • Stamford, CT

What I liked

I liked interacting with customers, the flexible hours, and my fellow employees.

What I wish was different

I wish that I could have worked more hours, I only worked about 15 a week.


Apply to the job early(Marchish) to ensure you get a summer job.
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Assistant manager

April - September 2019 • South Jordan, UT

What I liked

I enjoyed the atmosphere, and the fun people I got to share this experience with. I enjoyed making kids who came in smile, and serving customers while assuring their time at Coldstone was enjoyable.

What I wish was different

I had some issues with my manager and corporate office with my time cards, and there were misunderstandings around that.


Know that there will be angry customers, just like anywhere you go. Understand how to manage these situations in a resourceful and respectful way.
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Team member

May - August 2018 • Fredericksburg, VA

What I liked

I liked the social aspect of interacting with customers, as well as my manager and he other employees.

What I wish was different

When there was a rush, things got out of order and chaotic.


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Shift Leader

November 2016 • Midlothian, VA

What I liked

What I wish was different

I wish the pay reflected the work that was completed by the shift leaders.


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Shift Lead

March 2016 - September 2018 • Redmond, OR

What I liked

The atmosphere was fun and making sure every customer had a good experience seemed like more than just maintaining service. You were given the opportunity to care about the people who walked into the store.

What I wish was different


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Crew Member

May - September 2018 • Lakewood, WA

What I liked

I loved the people I worked with.

What I wish was different

I wish I had the chance to be there longer but I will go back and working during holiday breaks.


You have to be flexibly and learn how to work with and handle many different kinds of people working in the food business.
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Shift Leader

June 2017 - August 2018 • Twin Falls, ID

What I liked

It was a really fun and exciting environment. Pretty much all the employees got along and it was really laid back. We had a great time working together and of course the free ice cream was great!

What I wish was different

I wish the management was a little better and a little more organized but other than that it was so fun.


Getting along with your co-workers is the main part in making a job fun and exciting.
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