Coye Law Firm

About Coye Law Firm

Wade Coye founded Coye Law Firm in 1991, together with his expert team, he has recovered millions for injured people, representing thousands. Having an injury law case usually means there are several types of legal matters that involve one accident, but require expertise in many areas. Learn why not all law firms bring this expertise to bear. Mr. Coye is the author of numerous books and reports featured on his website and on The Law Firm handles personal injury, workers' compensation, Social Security disability, veterans disability, probate, family law and insurance claims. Mr. Coye and his expert team handle cases across Florida, New York, Michigan and the District of Columbia.


Legal Intern

August 2018 - December 2018 Orlando, FL
“I learned how to prioritize tasks, handle a large workload, manage the team, and how to communicate effectively. There are very (few) lovely people who I am grateful to have had a chance to work with. ”


January 2018 - January 2019 Orlando, FL
“The other interns were great to work with”
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