Cross College Alliance

New College Public Archaeology Lab Intern

June - August 2019 • Sarasota, FL

What I liked

I loved working with my long time adviser, Dr. Uzi Baram. He allowed me much independence on the summer project, and it required a lot of communicating and collaborating among other local organizations and individuals, which was a very fun experience. I learned a lot through compiling the e-book that was the main project we were working on. I now have a solid foundation of knowledge about the local archaeology and heritage of the Sarasota/Manatee county areas.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been able to complete the project. It was hefty load and is still on going. This is fine because it is a fluid document, however I would have liked the internship to have gone on so I could have kept it as a job that kept me financially secure, as well as being very passionate about the subject. There simply wasn't enough time to complete the vast work.


I would advise to keep your eyes peeled for opportunities, because they are everywhere. Also to make connections with professors, students, community members etc. that you naturally gravitate towards, because who you admire and communicate well with offers information about your core values which can then provide meaningful pathways you can follow in life. Attending a liberal arts college implies you have an open mind, which can oddly enough overwhelm a student and close doors to them. Listen to your heart and work with people who make you feel comfortable and confident. Naturally, those people will be interested in fields you will find a passion for.
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Research Assistant

May - August 2019 • University of South Florida, FL

What I liked

Finding hydroids is difficult, but the lab is a wonderful place to work! We isolated species, ran DNA, and searched through thousands of pages of literature on hydroids of the gulf to complete rudimentary taxonomy. I went from not knowing what a hydroid was to isolating more than a dozen species from the bay!

What I wish was different


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