Developmental Enhancement Behavioral Health

Administrative Assistant

May 2018 • Grandville, MI

What I liked

I am going into psychology so getting to work in the field in any position is always great! The people I work with are wonderful and very flexible about working around my class schedule.

What I wish was different


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Behavior technician

November 2017 - August 2018 • Wyoming, MI

What I liked

I absolutely loved working with the children who have Autism Spectrum Disorder, and seeing how each and every child that came to therapy were unique and different in such special ways. It truly was a blessing meeting all the children there.

What I wish was different

The way administration and HR deptartments were ran. I felt employees concerns/questions/etc., were rarely taken into consideration. That being said, I wish I didn’t try so so hard to be the best of the best, because sometimes I have learned now, our job experiences can teach us what type of people out there in the same field as you, will always try to compete with you and be the favorite. I wish I didn’t get sucked into feeling I needed to be that favorite in order to succeed at doing ABA on my clients. Unfortunately, I did, but I took away more learning experiences and incredible relationships I built with all the people I connected with.


I would say to try and stay more neutral. Try and scope out who is who at work, what they are to the higher level employees. I also would suggest to be more of an observer for the first month or two (or more if needed) before truly identifying whether you can succeed in the type of work environment you will be surrounded by. I truly think that plays a major role in employee success in a company, if they want to work for who they work for, and they want to do what the job description entails, I can confidentaly say, success is inevitable!
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