DRD Pool Management

Pool Manager

July - September 2019 • Parkville, MD

What I liked

I loved my bosses. They respected you as long as you respected them, and the same thing with their kindness. I liked how they appreciated that I constantly gave 100% of my effort to do a good job. They definitely care about you.

What I wish was different

Some of the lifeguards I worked with had shown little care of their job, and every time it happened, I would report it because I believed it was imperative for people to take their jobs as serious as possible.


Consistently give your 100% as either a manager or a guard because people are relying on you to protect their lives in case of any given scenario. Give respect, and you'll get it in return.
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Lifeguard Manager

July 2021 - August 2022 • Cockeysville, MD

What I liked

Great communication, training was in depth and had transferable life skills, great people to work with.

What I wish was different

This was a great position and the only thing I wish was different is that we had more people on staff so we didn’t have to worry about finding coverage when guards took vacation time.


Lifeguarding is a great experience and teaches responsibility, hard work, and dedication to keeping everyone safe. My advice: make sure you take the job seriously even if it seems that “nothing ever happens”. Anything could happen and you have to be rescue ready at all times.
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Field supervisor

March - September 2019 • Cockeysville, MD

What I liked

Kind, tightly-knit family style office environment. Enjoyable work with valuable experiences.

What I wish was different

The job was very driving intensive. I wish I was given a company car instead of putting miles on my car.


Get to know your property managers. They can be your biggest asset to solve problems.
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Assistant Manager

May 2015 - September 2019 • Glenwood, MD

What I liked

Being able to work outside and communicate with patrons of the pool. I was able to gather some great connections through working at the pool.

What I wish was different

Better management and communication with the country club


Get out there and talk to patrons they have some great advice and connections that you can use and add to your network.
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Pool Lifeguard

June - August 2019 • Nottingham, MD

What I liked

I enjoy the people I meet and the connections I make.

What I wish was different

Wish I was at a multi guard pool instead of single.


Having a good book is great for rainy days.
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Pool Manager

May 2016 - September 2019 • Middle River, MD

What I liked

Getting 40 hours

What I wish was different

Scheduling is last minute


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gate guard

May - August 2019 • Eldersburg, MD

What I liked

Lots of hours, working with people my own age.

What I wish was different

More set hours in the week.


Working with customers is hard but everyone should experience at least once.
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