
Engineering Intern

May - August 2022 • Kingsport, TN

What I liked

I really enjoyed that they provided us housing through ETSU in Johnson City, which was around 30 minutes away from work. I also really enjoyed becoming more skilled in programming and technological skills that I carry with me elsewhere.

What I wish was different

I wish that the work was more fulfilling. I was a rising sophomore when I was interning for Eastman, but I would have still appreciated being placed in a position applicable to my field, as well as the technological work I was assigned to do.


Don't be afraid of heights. Field walks are awesome.
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Chemical Process Engineer

January - August 2022 • Kingsport, TN

What I liked

Eastman culture is safety driven, inclusive and innovative. During my time at the company, I was responsible for a number of different projects, and was in close contact with mentors, group members, and supervisors, ensuring I was able to progress in these projects. These projects made me apply my knowledge from class and they had a real world importance. Overall, I thouroughly enjoyed my time at Eastman.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have stayed longer and been placed in a business role to determine if that is something I would like. This is in no part a fault of the company however, as I was only able to complete two of the three internship terms.


Reach out to your mentors, group members, supervisors and anyone else to get help with projects, but also be able to network with others and get a better understanding of the workplace culture.
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Chemical Process Engineer

January - August 2019 • Pace, FL

What I liked

Relevant project, adequate pay, friendly coworkers, excellent time off, 4-day work week.

What I wish was different

That I could have worked permanently.


Ask a lot of questions and pay close attention to what your day to day work life is like.
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Chemical Engineering Intern

June - August 2021 • Kingsport, TN

What I liked

I appreciated the culture of Eastman. Everyone I worked with was very encouraging and supportive. We were all happy to help one another for the benefit of the whole, and we enjoyed working together and collaborating too.

What I wish was different


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Power Distribution Engineer

May - August 2021 • Texas City, TX

What I liked

Eastman values collaboration and teamwork. I enjoyed getting to put my electrical engineering skills to practice.

What I wish was different

There were times where there wasn't any work followed by times where I was overwhelmed. I wish the work was a little more steady.


Go to the career fair. They are giving away jobs.
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Health and Safety Specialist

July 2020 • Kingsport, TN

What I liked

Eastman is a great environment where I was able to apply my knowledge from school to the workforce. I also made many new friends and was able to have great experiences in a new environment

What I wish was different

While interning at Eastman, I felt I had a great balance between my projects and going out into the plant to learn about the operations. I also had a lot of support from our leadership, supervisor, and mentor to ensure success on project and assist me throughout my opportunities I had as an intern. I would not change anything about my internship. It was a great learning experience.


I would recommend any student to go outside of there comfort zone and not be afraid to travel for an internship. Because I was able to travel, I was able to meet a lot of new friends and have some great experiences I would have never have had the opportunity to engaging in if I did not travel to Eastman for me internship.
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System analyst

June - August 2020 • Kingsport, TN

What I liked

They allowed me to work from home.

What I wish was different



Make extra efforts to network.
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Mechanical Engineering Intern

May - July 2019 • Kingsport, TN

What I liked

The people I work with

What I wish was different

Wish I had a little more work


I worked in a business role which was a new experience so I recommend taking a risk and trying a new role without much experience
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Plant engineering intern

May - July 2019 • Kingsport, TN

What I liked

Pay, location, people

What I wish was different

Job Placement


Great place to work, tons of stuff to learn and great people to learn from, get it if you can
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Supply Chain Intern

June - August 2019 • Kingsport, TN

What I liked

Eastman offers the opportunity for you to experience a number of positions and disciplines in supply chain. They also are very open and allow lots of networking and job shadowing. The work was interesting and engaging

What I wish was different


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Procurement Intern

May 2018 • Kingsport, TN

What I liked

What I wish was different


Network as much as you can.
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engineering intern

May - August 2018 • Indian Orchard, MA

What I liked

I liked that Eastman treated me as an employee rather than a temporary intern. My boss was a wonderful mentor and I was assimilated into the community very quickly.

What I wish was different


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Chemical Engineering Intern

August 2016 • Monongahela, PA

What I liked

Was able to work on major projects and different departments

What I wish was different

if i had a set mentor and clear expectations of the projects i was working on


ask a lot of questions and just go out in the plant and look around
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