End Rape on Campus

About End Rape on Campus

At End Rape on Campus (EROC), we envision a world in which all individuals have educational experiences free from violence, and until then, that all survivors are believed, trusted, and supported. To achieve this, EROC is a sexual violence advocacy organization that works to end campus sexual violence through three pillars: direct support for survivors and their communities; prevention through education; and policy reform at the campus, state, and federal levels.

We do so through several tactics and programs, including but not limited to: helping make resources for survivors and their loved ones more accessible; helping survivors understand their rights under applicable civil rights law, and assisting them in holding their campuses accountable when student rights are violated; serving as a watchdog for Title IX violations; run national campaigns and help students replicate said campaigns at the local and campus levels in areas of rapid response, policy advocacy and educational efforts; do speaking engagements and workshops on campuses around the country; and advocate for survivor-centric policy reform at the local and national levels.


Campus Data Fellow

June 2019 - August 2019 Washington, DC
“As EROC's Campus Data Fellow, Elizabeth Kim helped establish an accessible, accurate, self-sustaining School Accountability Map, which aims to make every US college and university's sexual assault policies and history transparent and accessible to the average college student. She developed and launched the Map Volunteer Campaign: not only did she coordinate a team of 20+ volunteers who conducted research for the Map, she also programmed and hosted Map Day, a Facebook Live event curated to inform volunteers about Title IX. ”
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