EtherWAN Systems, Inc

About EtherWAN Systems, Inc

EtherWAN Systems, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of Hardened Ethernet, PoE, and Fiber connectivity products specifically designed for harsh and demanding environments. With our core focus on Ethernet connectivity for extreme environments with stringent requirements product reliability and quality are top priority. EtherWAN’s product development, engineering, manufacturing and quality assurance processes are structured to push the limits of stated specifications resulting in products that continually exceed expectations. Our goal is to provide quality reliable products for extreme applications, markets, and environments.


Product Management Intern

June 2019 - September 2019 Anaheim, CA
“The dynamic nature of this position was very exciting. I was able to experience a great mix of both the technical and business aspects of this company. One week I would be writing and developing software and another week would be reviewing data/analytics. As well as the normal assigned projects, I was given the freedom to create a lot of projects of my own.”
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