Eurovia Atlantic Coast, LLC

About Eurovia Atlantic Coast, LLC

Eurovia Atlantic Coast, LLC has paved the way for hundreds of public and private projects, from large interstate highways to small commercial site development. Our employees perform with pride and creativity. and we approach every project with a dedication to efficiency, technology and, safety. Eurovia Atlantic Coast, LLC is comprised of Northeast Paving, Virginia Paving, and Sunmount Paving.


Field Engineer Intern

June 2020 - August 2020 Justin, TX
“Sunmount Paving management was very thoughtful, supportive, and driven. One of the best work atmospheres I've experienced it really felt like a family there. In the field, employees work as teams and supervisors are very supportive and helpful to accomplish tasks. Everyone went out of their ways to explain process and data to me over and over and over when needed. It was like employees pushed each other to do better. I got to commute to destinations i had never heard of for work using company truck, rquipped with all safety tools I needed and more. It was hard to toddle out of those doors of Sunmount Paving Company's ”
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