Florida State University International Programs

About Florida State University International Programs

Florida State University International Programs (FSUIP) has over 60 years of experience in International Education. Our students travel around the globe to study every imaginable subject from international leaders in their fields. They learn to embrace new cultures, languages, and customs, and return home as fully engaged citizens of the world. We pride ourselves in facilitating these journeys and are committed to making each student’s experience a story worth telling. Make the world your campus. Go abroad with us!

Live a life that fulfills your dream of becoming a more globally aware person; a life that allows you to live within a culture, as a citizen of that culture. Studying abroad with FSU IP will change the way you live the rest of your life because you will return enriched beyond your expectations.

Learn experientially from professors who will take you out into the city and the country in which you are living; walk in the footsteps of Shakespeare, Picasso, and other masters of literature, art, business and other areas. FSU IP classes earn you credit towards your graduation requirements while offering you a new way of learning- from the heart.

Lead the way towards your future as an intercontinental citizen of the world. Only about 1% of US students study abroad, and as an FSU IP student, you will truly lead the US in becoming more globally aware. Having this experience on your resume will certainly make you the lead candidate for future career opportunities.

Florida State University International Programs provides quality international learning environments where students are challenged to be learners, leaders, achievers and contributors within a global community. International Programs is committed to providing opportunities for students to explore, perceive and understand intercultural issues through engagement with global problems, international cultures, and foreign languages.


International Programs Ambassador

May 2019 Tallahassee, FL
“With this job I am able to learn marketing and public speaking skills as well as general clerical skills. ”

Student ambassador

May 2019 Tallahassee, FL
“The style of work and my bods”
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