Push yourself into scenarios where you are not sure about what to do. You can do so much more than you think, raise your expectations of yourself and your abilities will rise to meet those expectations.
As an intern, my job was to learn as much as possible. The fastest way to learn as much as possible is to connect with people to hear their experiences. Trust me you will learn so much more if you reach out to the people you work with, get coffee, get lunch, say 'Hi' when you pass them in the office, sit next to people when eating lunch in the office. Reach out and people will be very warm, they know you're an intern and that you're young. They will want to pass on their wisdom because that is a sign of their success, help them help you.
Ask questions even if you are not sure how to ask or who to ask.
Take initiative whenever you can. If there's some task that you can do without having to ask, do it. Look for ways to do more than was asked of you.