Henry & Peters, P.C.

Accounting Intern

June - July 2022 • Tyler, TX

What I liked

Henry & Peters is a wonderful place to have an internship. They are very attentive and make sure that you have all you need to succeed. The training is amazing and the culture allows for you to get to know your peers on a personal level as well as ask any questions you might have. Thankfully, the stress of starting a brand new job is quickly gone as they guide you through the process.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been able to have a more steady stream of work as I was still learning the programs, but accountings job have busy/slow seasons.


Make sure to come prepared to write things down, ask questions, and repeat the processes as you are learning. It isn't frowned upon to ask questions or not know exactly what to do, so just communicate where you need help!
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Accountant Intern

January - April 2021 • Tyler, TX

What I liked

I appreciated the way training was approached; it was straight forward and thorough and not overly complex.

What I wish was different

Communication is key, and there is a huge communication hole between lower and upper management. I wish compensation scales were fair and the firm didn't have to hide behind the accoutrements of feeding employees and parties to make you feel like its a fair deal. The fact is that some people do get paid well, its just not you.


I wouldn't recommend the firm as a whole. Senior management has no clue what happens on the staff and senior level and there is an overarching feeling like you're just a pawn on the chess board. Everyone works insanely hard and the floor with staff and mid-level management has an overly political and back-biting culture that is toxic and cliquey.
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