What I liked
The company culture and internship program is something that cannot be found anywhere else! The culture was extremely collaborative and team oriented. The CEO of the company consistently checked in with us, watched our presentations and knew our names. This something you cannot get in large firms. The motto the company abides by is business is personal. This mission is definitely seen across the company. He made one on one connections with each of interns and was truly a gratifying experience. In addition, the internship program was like no other. We had trips to Google, Facebook, Sony, NBC and more. These intern activities. brought all 30+ of us, together. We also had Media 101 sessions where people from departments would teach us about the importance of each team within Horizon. Lastly, the intern project was applicable to the real-world. My team and I developed a media plan for the History Channel's new show, Knightfall. This 70+ slide and 40 minute presentation was the best project I've been a part of. To work directly with the History Channel and present our findings to the representatives of the actual History Channel team and as well as the CEO of Horizon, was remarkable. I learned so much about media and advertising, despite not being an advertising major. I only had basic marketing experience and I am definitely going to be pursuing this as a minor and possible future career.