What I liked
I laughed a lot! The people who work here take their jobs seriously, but they don’t take themselves too seriously — cliché perhaps, but the barriers came down. My bosses always treated me with respect, and whenever they introduced me to one of their high powered friends or peers they did so as “their colleague” not as “their intern,” which may seem a small distinction but it made my heart flutter every time. I felt like a bigger part of the team than what it said I was on paper.
And I really looked up to them. Rather, I still look up to them. Doug and Lara are two of the most impressive people I’ve ever met and I always felt like they deserved my best. Not because they had impressive careers and titles of big responsibility, but because they impressed on me a vision of what I could be. They gave me confidence that I can do more everyday, and their trust in me reflected that as my tasks grew in importance over the summer. They showed me that no matter what I do or what field I go into, there are companies out there like Idea Architects who do values-based work AND whose workers can live comfortably from doing so. Most importantly, however, we had a good laugh — and I left this summer feeling higher than I ever have.