
August - December 2023 • Lima, OH

What I liked

Spring 2023 Term - I really liked the group of people that I worked with. All of the process engineers were great with help and passing on knowledge. The work environment is very good and everyone is there to help. For my first rotation I worked on many different little tasks and also a few bigger projects. One of my bigger projects revolved around the demolition of old pipes and equipment that were crowding one of the plants. Fall 2023 Term - I enjoyed my time once again at INEOS and learned even more. I had the chance to run or assist on some projects that helped better the plant's process. I also helped in the changes of the company's PHA process and the company procedures. I enjoyed this semester because I worked with other groups within the company such as the controls and rotating equipment engineers.

What I wish was different

Spring 2023 Term - I wish there was a smoother transition to the beginning of the job. The first few weeks were slow and it didn't feel like I had much direction at the very start. I wish that at certain times that I would have had more work to do. Only a few times during the rotation I didn't have much work given to me. Fall 2023 Term - There were periods during the rotation where I would finish what I was working on and not have much to do after. This came with being able to do things more efficiently because of what I had learned from being here longer. I wish I could have learned even more about the controls and rotating side of things. This semester showed me that those are good to understand along with the process engineering work.


Spring 2023 Term - As I explained that I wished I had more work to do at certain times, I could always ask around and find work. My advice is to be open and always look for more work to do. I only benefited from the tasks I was given. There is always something new to be learned with each and every project or small task. You can always ask questions and as a Co-op that is what you are there for. Don't be afraid to ask. Fall 2023 Term - This semester has taught me about being able to do things on my own. As a coop there is always help around you, but sometimes it is better to learn for yourself. It is good to know who to go to when you do need the help. Another piece of advice I would give is to be open to do new things.
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Process Engineering Intern

May - August 2020 • Alvin, TX

What I liked

The company culture and project-based work. The work I did felt meaningful and added value to the company.

What I wish was different

My internship was remote, I wish I could have been on-site and see the facilities and work with everyone in person.


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