Lakeland University

Marketing Intern

January - May 2022 • Plymouth, WI

What I liked

I liked the flexible schedule and my boss’s passion for the work.

What I wish was different

There wasn’t set work to do each week, each week varied workload wise.


To stay connected and make a good network of professionals who can help you later on.
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Jr. Admissions Counselor

February 2021 • Plymouth, WI

What I liked

Learning more about the admissions process

What I wish was different


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Business Office Assisstant

January 2018 • Plymouth, WI

What I liked

I liked the steady schedule, and my employer being so understanding and flexible

What I wish was different

Got another job other than this one


I recommend staying in the summer because you connect with other classmates that you would normally not see during the school year
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