Lands' End

Packaging Trainer

June 2022 • Dodgeville, WI

What I liked

The leadership is very supportive and the environment is one that makes you want to go to work.

What I wish was different


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Operations Intern

May - August 2022 • Dodgeville, WI

What I liked

Very supportive environment as far up or as far down you went in the company; everyone wants you to succeed. The internship provided various resources for career development. Everything done was extremely important and linked back to key business objectives for the company - this was not a get someone coffee internship. Many meetings were held with the CEO, CFO, and other high up officials within the company.

What I wish was different

The location. It is pretty much in the middle of nowhere, your only choice is to commute from extremely far away if you are onsite.


The more you put yourself out there and take advantage of company events, meeting fellow interns, etc. the better experience you will have. This is a great company to be a part of.
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Merchandising Intern

May - August 2019 • Dodgeville, WI

What I liked

I loved the culture here. Everyone I met was so passionate about their category and was so excited to welcome me to the team. The projects that my manager gave me helped give me a full picture of what a merchant does day-to-day. Not to mention, I learned so much about the product and the customer throughout the summer!

What I wish was different

I wish there was transportation provided since the commute can be long with rush hour traffic.


Don't be afraid to ask questions and share your ideas with your team! Everyone I worked with was so eager to hear my thoughts and answer any question that I had. Ask your fellow interns to get a carpool group started! It makes the ride go by so much faster.
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Apparel Embroidery Digitizer

June 2019 • Stevens Point, WI

What I liked

I like how I get to listen to music while I work and that I get to sit if I want to while working.

What I wish was different

I wish that we were allowed to talk more. We weren't allowed to talk to other employees without getting yelled at.


Be friendly with the boss even if they seem to be mean. They will notice this.
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May - August 2018 • Dodgeville, WI

What I liked

Lands' End treated me like an employee rather than an intern.

What I wish was different



You will meet a lot of great people and work for a great company that will provide with the knowledge to be successful in the future.
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