Lynnhaven River NOW

Environmental Education Intern

May - July 2020 • Virginia Beach, VA

What I liked

I loved that I could combine my passion for creativity, teaching others, animals, and the environment. With this internship, I learned that environmental education could be more that someone giving a presentation in front of an animal exhibit. Because of the pandemic lockdown, I had an unexpected challenge, and I loved seeing how flexible environmental educators can be.

What I wish was different

I was working on a preschool program during the pandemic lockdown. Because of stay at home orders, I missed out on interacting with children. I wish I could have interacted with others more.


Stay organized! Even if you must work remotely, you need to be able to find files, activity prototypes, and more. If you are lucky enough to work in person, organization will decrease stress during activities. Keep in mind that working with children can be chaotic. The more organized you are, the better the event will go. Another piece of advice is to go into the internship with ideas for programs or events. The program director loves when people already have something they want to work on.
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