Mattingly Solutions

Project Management Intern

May - July 2020 • Pittsburgh, PA

What I liked

Dr. Victoria Mattingly and her team really fostered an environment in which I could both learn and apply my skills. I was pushed to keep learning new things while working on areas that I was already familiar with. Furthermore, your thoughts and contributions really have an impact on the direction and projects that the team takes. This allowed me to have a comprehensive understanding of the projects and see how my work fit into the general missions and goals of the company. I also had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people that served as mentors during my time there.

What I wish was different

Although the remote nature of the work does take away the value of all internships, Dr. Mattingly and the team do their best to ensure that interns have valuable experience.


Expect to come out of the internship with a collection of new skills. Go in with an open mind and the ability to see the bigger picture. Go in with the mindset that you are both a learn and an expert.
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Inbound Marketing Intern

April - August 2021 • Pittsburgh, PA

What I liked

I loved my experience at Mattingly Solutions. I was given projects that directly impacted and helped the organizations. Every project and task I was given was meaningful and allowed me to apply what I have learned at CMU in a real-world, professional setting. I was able to work directly with Dr. Victoria Mattingly, CEO, and felt that she was extremely invested in my professional growth and development. In addition, my supervisor, Kelsie Colley, allowed me to be very hands-on and made sure that I was growing and gaining more skills throughout my internship. She was extremely helpful and was always there to help out! Everyone at Mattingly Solutions was so welcoming and helpful. It felt like a very tight-knit community where everyone was encouraged to be honest and be themselves. I have learned so much from this internship and have made lasting contacts. Everyone at Mattingly Solutions truly cares about your progress and growth, and will do whatever they can to help you with your future career path! Overall, an incredibly valuable and meaningful internship experience!!

What I wish was different


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