McKay School of Education--BYU
UI / UX Designer
March 2019 • Provo, UT
What I liked
I really enjoyed the work atmosphere, and the opportunity to learn brand new skills to grow and make myself more marketable.
What I wish was different
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Computing Specialist
August 2018 • Provo, UT
What I liked
I liked being able to work up to 40 hours a week and not being as busy as during the school semester.
What I wish was different
Can't think of anything.
This is a fun place to work, I like my coworkers, and you learn a lot of useful IT skills.
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Project Manager
May 2018 • Provo, UT
What I liked
I loved being able to work on a team.
What I wish was different
I wish I would have had better initial training then I did.
Make sure to take initiative because its better to try something and get it wrong then not try at all!
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