Mental Health Association in Michigan

About Mental Health Association in Michigan

MHAM’s vision is for equality, rights, fair treatment, and maximum quality of life for all those affected by mental illness, their careers, family, and friends. As one of the most recognized advocacy organizations for people living with mental illness in the state of Michigan, we are well-placed to make a direct impact on the care people receive.

But we have a much larger vision too – to transform at every level the way our state and nation approaches mental illness. Every year, our diverse range of information and support helps tens of thousands of people get through crises, live independently and feel that they do not have to face mental illness alone.

MHAM’s primary role is to act as the “eyes and ears” for its constituents regarding state and/or national public policy initiatives that may negatively or positively impact their interests. MHAM’s mission is to ensure those individuals who are affected by public policy changes have a “seat at the table.”



June 2023 Lansing, MI
“I learned so much about the process of public policy in mental health. I had the freedom to grow and share new ideas with MHAM, leading to new opportunities for myself. I couldn't say more good things about the company. ”
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