Minnesota State Senate

What approach should I take when interviewing for a legislative internship in the Minnesota State Senate?

Make sure you clear the basic hurdles: dress the part (business in the senate building and capital is always business formal, suit and tie), rehearse your resume and relevant experience before going in, and be on time (leave some extra cushion to get lost, the buildings can be a bit confusing).Be...
Internship Interview Politics Legislative Minnesota State Senate
1 answer

Looking for input related to the daily life of a legislative intern in the Minnesota State Senate!

My internship was out-of-the-ordinary, so I cannot pretend to speak for all interns at the State Senate. I was primarily focused on researching and creating a policy report for my Senator focusing on state renewable energy initiatives. My days consisted of reading and tracking relevant legislatio...
Internship Day in the Life Politics Legislative Minnesota State Senate
1 answer