Modera, Inc.

Marketing Intern

June - July 2017 • Irvine, CA

What I liked

At Modera, I was responsible for creating social media and blog content for real companies, along with other tasks. This was exciting for me because I got to utilize my creative capabilities to create captions and entertaining blog posts. I enjoyed this internship because my opinions and ideas actually mattered to those around me. It was also a great feeling when my content was published for everyone to see.

What I wish was different

The only thing I wish that had been different was my schedule. I worked part-time, but I honestly wish I could have been there more. This internship gave me an insight into the exact career I want to pursue, so I wish I had been given more hours and days, to learn more.


Always ask questions!! Whether you aren't sure exactly what your responsibilities are, or you're curious and eager to learn more. Everyone is always willing to help you. Plus, people would rather have you ask questions than complete your work incorrectly.
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