MU Columbia Missourian

About MU Columbia Missourian

The Columbia Missourian is a community news organization managed by professional editors and staffed by Missouri School of Journalism students who do the reporting, design, copy editing, information graphics, photography and multimedia. The Columbia Missourian debuted Sept. 14, 1908, the same day classes started at the Missouri School of Journalism.


Page designer

May 2018 Columbia, MO
“Working the design desk at the Missourian has been a great experience! It's a friendly environment and it's a learning newsroom, which means that it's laid back and teaching-focused. ”
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Questions & Answers

How do I prepare for an interview to become a journalist at the Columbia Missourian?

Interview +3

What would it be like to work as a journalist at the Columbia Missourian?

Day in the Life +3
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