Native Plant Trust

About Native Plant Trust

Native Plant Trust is the nation’s first plant conservation organization and the only group solely focused on New England’s native plants. We save native plants in the wild, grow them for gardens and restorations, and educate others on their value and use. We are based at Garden in the Woods, a renowned native plant botanic garden that attracts visitors from all over the world. From this flagship property in Framingham, Massachusetts, 25 staff and many of our 1,500 trained volunteers work throughout New England each year to monitor and protect rare and endangered plants, collect and preserve seeds to ensure biological diversity, detect and control invasive species, conduct research, and offer a range of educational programs. Native Plant Trust also operates a nursery at Nasami Farm in western Massachusetts and manages six sanctuaries in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont that are open to the public. For more information, please visit


Conservation intern

May 2018 - August 2018 Framingham, MA
“Learned about conservation in regards to plant biology, learned about Seed banking, learned about citizen science; learned how to use Microsoft access and arcGIS”
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