Operation Wallacea USA

About Operation Wallacea USA

Operation Wallacea (Opwall) is an organisation that runs a series of biological and conservation management research programs in remote locations across the world. These expeditions are designed with specific wildlife conservation aims in mind – from identifying areas needing protection, through to implementing and assessing conservation management programs. Research is supported by students who join the program, to strengthen their CV or resume or collect data for a dissertation or thesis. Academics benefit from funding for high quality fieldwork enabling them to publish papers in peer reviewed journals. This model enables the collection of large temporal and spatial datasets used for assessing the effectiveness of conservation management interventions.



May 2019 - July 2019 Buton, Southeast Sulawesi Province
“I was presented with many challenges during my time working in Idonesia. But Opwall provided me with the resources and support that I needed to over come these challenges for myself. I learned so much, and I wish i never had to leave”

Research Assistant

July 2019 - August 2019 Mahajanga I, Boeny
“This opportunity gave me a lot of experience using different field techniques for studying a large range of vertebrate and invertebrate species. It was very hands-on and we had the opportunity to choose our own areas of interest that we spent more time working on.”
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