Origami Rehabilitation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Origami provides comprehensive rehabilitation for children, adolescents, and adults with neurological, developmental, mental health, and orthopedic conditions through their residential and outpatient programs. With their compassionate and innovative services, Origami creates opportunities and transforms lives.
Understanding that brain injury affects everyone in a person’s life, we consider it essential that family and friends are a part of treatment. We make sure our clients are fully supported to reach their greatest potential. Year after year, our satisfaction surveys affirm this commitment.
We understand the importance of partnering in care. Origami is fortunate to have two exceptional partners, Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine and Peckham, Inc. The Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation within MSU’s College of Osteopathic Medicine provides Origami with expertise in clinical management and on-site physician coverage. Ranking in the top 5% of all medical schools nationally for primary care education, MSU is also the highest among all osteopathic colleges for National Institute of Health funding for research. Peckham, Inc. is an award winning nonprofit organization that provides job training and competitive employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. With the support of our partners, Origami is able to generate excellent clinical outcomes with cost effective management and remains on the cutting edge of brain injury rehabilitation.