What I liked
My internship as a software engineer with Postal.io was incredibly impactful and added a ton to my Cal Poly experience. As the company was just starting up, I decided to reach out to see if Postal.io had opportunities to intern or to work full time after I graduated. Through persistence, I was able to get an internship with them and I loved it. Working with a small team as we build the product that launched a couple months into the internship made me feel as though as I was a part of the team. Even as an intern I was treated as a team member and loved how that incentivized me to work harder! Learning alongside some of the senior staff at Postal sharpened my skillsets taught to me at Poly, and working for a startup I also learned a ton about how business is run, when to pivot on the startup road, and the importance of collaboration! It goes to show that when you work hard and feast on the opportunity to keep learning, you will get to reap the benefits of it. Working at Postal is fun, it prepared me for entering into my professional field, it grew my attitude towards working as a team, and it was very much worthwhile. I accepted my return offer because I enjoyed what I was working on as an intern, I enjoyed the people in the company and how welcoming everyone is, and I enjoyed working in SLO! Yay Postal!