SonSet Solutions

About SonSet Solutions

SonSet Solutions is seeking people who are deeply committed to Christ and passionate about making an impact for God’s kingdom. We need a team with diverse skills to advance the gospel worldwide - engineers, storytellers, software developers, media producers, and more. We assist media and community development ministries with radio station consulting, installation, and major upgrades; provision of solar-powered radio receivers/audio players; and web-based access to use and reliability information from clean-water systems. We are also developing solutions to leverage mobile technology and address developing-world power issues. Use your knowledge and experience to solve today’s ministry challenges and help ministries around the world.

SonSet Solutions is an evangelical mission dedicated to providing technology-based solutions to front-line ministries. We assist them with analysis, development and implementation of designs and tools to expand the reach and deepen the impact of their work.


Back-End Engineering Intern

March 2023 - July 2023 Elkhart, IN
“I loved the heart of the company and its mission. Working with them was a pleasure as they gave the intern team a lot of freedom and good guidance. ”

Full-Stack Engineering Intern

May 2023 - August 2023 Elkhart, IN
“I liked the environment that I was working with since everyone that I worked with was a believer in Christ and brought forth their gifts in making a product that truly benefits God's kingdom. I was the lead full-stack engineering intern for the cloud architecture. I was able to provide my gifts with innovating by picking the best frameworks and developing with them to make a product that will revolutionize how their organization partners get the water pump's issues fixed faster. Overall, I highly recommend interning at SonSet Solutions if you are a Christian believer and willing to work for the Lord.”
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