Texas Freedom Network

Deputy Field Organizer

August - November 2022 • Corpus Christi, TX

What I liked

The pay was great, and I also got to meet a lot of people I wouldnt have previously, and it opened the door to some pretty great opportunities for getting more involved than I would have in my community. My team was a group of incredible, driven young minds with a strive to see our generation and city thrive, and I'm grateful to have met them!

What I wish was different

While I enjoyed working alongside my team with Texas Rising, I can't say our leaders had the best interest of us and the community at heart. I think hiring people from outside of the community to represent us was a poor choice on TFN's end. Many times, my RFO would make small statements that proved that our city wasn't important to her, nor did she stand true to the values of lifting up the voices of minorities and marginalized groups, which was the goal of Texas Rising to begin with. Local community gatherings such as the trade center were called "ghetto", and we were only given permission to canvas areas and events that catered to upper-class residents. Our RFO had a habit of talking poorly about their employees behind our backs, and attempting to pit us against each other using promises and threats. Despite being a cis, straight, and white, they made many innapropriate jokes about being the diversity hire, as well as making sly comments toward the pronouns of their employees. They would also talk poorly about other non-profits in the area, making our goals driven by competition to win rather than actually making a difference. Despite this, our team did an incredible job and registered well over a thousand residents, which our RFO did not even congratulate us for. Instead, they attempted to corner an employee at a work-sponsored event, where it was revealed HR had turned against the employees and revealed who had reported our RFO to them. While I'm sure Texas Rising has the potential to grow to be something great that all can benefit from, I am incredibly disappointed in the immature leadership. I want to see young Texans be inspired and thrive, but instead, we were put in a hostile environment where nothing was ever enough for our RFO. Performative activism does nothing to help the communities of Texas.


Please consider who you choose to be leaders of our chapters, and listen to the employees when we say there's an issue. My team's concerns were blatantly ignored and disregarded, and we were written off as "lazy" and "sensitive" for wanting better. This wasn't just for us, but for all of Corpus Christi. Hire people from the community instead of those who only want to benefit from a position of power. Pick leaders who want to empower their team, and encourage us all to be our best, not create nasty rumors about themselves and other organizations who are only trying to achieve the same goal. For future organizers, speak up if you don't agree with something, and don't be afraid. A strong, positive, collaborative effort is what it takes to truly make a difference for ourselves and the future of Texas and the rest of the world.
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