The Brady Campaign & Center to Prevent Gun Violence - Education, Litigation & Legislation

About The Brady Campaign & Center to Prevent Gun Violence - Education, Litigation & Legislation

35,000 people die from gun violence in this country each year.
We can change that.

-4.6 Million kids live in homes with unlocked guns. 8 kids a day are accidentally killed or get injured by Family Fire. Brady educates the public on gun safety with programs like End Family Fire:

-1 out of 5 guns are sold without a background check. Brady background checks need to extend to all gun purchases, including internet sales and gun shows.

-90% of crime guns are traced back to only 5% of gun dealers. Brady demands gun manufacturers and sellers are held accountable.

Brady is on a Mission to Prevent Gun Violence.

View Kris Brown, President, talking about Brady's 3 Point Plan:

• Expand Brady Background Checks to all gun sales.
1 in 5 guns are sold without a Brady Background Check due to loopholes like gun shows and internet sales. Yet, 90% of ALL AMERICANS support expanding background checks.

• Ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines.
Shooters in massacres such as Parkland, Las Vegas, Orlando, Sutherland Springs, Aurora, and Sandy Hook have all used assault weapons and high capacity magazines. These weapons of war DO NOT belong on our streets.

• Pass Extreme Risk Protection Order Laws (ERPO's) Nationwide
An extreme risk protection order allows family members and law enforcement to seek court permission to temporarily remove guns from a person in danger of harming themselves or others.

Check out the Time Magazine/JR Project cover story on Guns in America:
Both Kris Brown, President & Ky Hunter, VP of Programs, are on the cover!

Hear about our work from our President, Kris Brown: and from Ky Hunter, our VP of programs:

Follow Us on Instagram:

No organization has a more comprehensive and systematic approach to ending America’s gun violence epidemic. Brady believes that Americans, working together, are more powerful than any problem and we invite those who feel the same way to join us in our work. We know our multi-pronged approach of education, litigation, and legislation will ensure that one day, every American can live free from the fear of being shot. Join us in creating that America.


Communications Intern

May 2019 - July 2019 Washington, DC
“Everything! I was able to work within every department and build relationships with so many people. ”
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