The Collaborative is a nonprofit working to ensure that all North Carolinians have access to financial education and asset building tools, with an emphasis on communities of color and people with disabilities. It is the asset building and financial capability convener of North Carolina, connecting financial institutions, nonprofits, and local government agencies across the state around financial inclusion.
The Collaborative offers statewide-nonprofit capacity building support by affording North Carolina nonprofits an opportunity to host an AmeriCorp VISTA to build capacity around issues of poverty within their organization. The Collaborative’s NC Assets Alliance is the education and advocacy arm creates a space and an opportunity for financial capability organizations from across the state to collaborate and learn from each other. Other work includes a partnership with Capital Area Workforce Development providing their clients with financial capability and one-on-one financial coaching; Learn to Earn, a unique program that targets both parents and teens with financial capability and matched savings; and a partnership with the NC Council on Developmental Disabilities to provide specialized financial capability and asset building for people with disabilities.