The Latest

About The Latest

The Latest is a non-partisan news website that strives to open conversation among people of all sides.

ALL opinions, respectfully stated, are welcome on our site.

Our world-class news aggregator presents readers with the same news topics from dozens of different sources in an attempt to eliminate any reporting bias. We also offer a unique "The Latest Thinking" section in which everyday citizens can present their own ideas and opinions on the topics that interest them weekly whether that be news and politics, fashion, food, celebrity, or anything in between!


Editor, Social Media Manager

May 2019 Los Angeles, CA
“The CEO, Jeff Hall, is an amazing guy. He knows his stuff and is very willing to listen to younger voices and new ideas. This is a very self-lead position with rewarding work. The team right now is very small and we all have wonderful chats with one another on Slack and Skype (where we have our twice per month meetings). Everyone is incredibly nice and we are a very effective team. All my work is done remotely.”
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