One piece of advice that I would share is to stay true to yourself and prepare to hit the ground running. In the fashion industry, there's many people who believe in "fake it 'til you make it", but in this industry you won't get anywhere great if you aren't yourself. People will see right through the mack that people put on to try and impress others, but when you're your genuine self, people really appreciate that and want to help you get to better places in the industry. Also this experience was one of the most fast paced positions I've ever worked in my life. You need to go in there prepared for almost ANYTHING to happen. Working market is such an toss up on whether or not it will be busy, but you need to prepare yourself for the worst in both extremes. Whether it's insanely busy, or insanely slow, you need to be able to know how to work well in both environments and not many people are able to do that efficiently. However, if you are one of those people who can work well in any kind of chaos, you will shine through the rest of the people there.