Thomaston Savings Bank

About Thomaston Savings Bank

Your neighbors and local businesses have relied on Thomaston Savings Bank since 1874. Through eras of tumultuous bank mergers, conversions and takeovers, Thomaston has thrived as an independent mutual savings bank – by being financially responsible and steadfast in a commitment to help this area grow. No risky business practices. No straying from core beliefs. No chasing the newest things to serve a nameless quota. Just financial resources, and direct insight, for success around here. At Thomaston Savings Bank, get clear answers and stable solutions, homemade for life around here. Join your friends and neighbors – from Bristol to Bethlehem, and Waterbury to Watertown – who rely on us as a true financial resource. Because, after all, You Get More When You’re Next Door.


Operations Intern

May 2019 - August 2019 Thomaston, CT
“I liked the extremely friendly and helpful staff, as well as the opportunity to learn new things such as working with Internet Banking. This internship has prepared me for the professional workforce world by having me attend meetings as well as dress professionally and follow a set schedule. ”

Loans Servicing Intern

June 2018 - August 2018 Thomaston, CT
“Great office experience. Learned a lot about workplace etiquette, phone etiquette, and how to interact with customers in a very professional manner. I was able to learn all of this through first hand experience. I also had a great boss who was very nice and helpful. I was also able to adapt and learn what a consistent 8-5, 40 hours a week felt like.”
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