Tufts University

Admissions Intern

May - August 2022 • Medford, MA

What I liked

Great flexibility and the skills from this position are transferrable to many other positions!

What I wish was different


Be willing to learn and enthusiastic about the work that you do.
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Data Analyst

June - September 2021 • Medford, MA

What I liked

The experience and professor were great

What I wish was different

The way the research suddenly changed paths


Keep on learning new things.
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June 2021 • Tufts University, MA

What I liked

It was great to be on campus during the summer- it's a completely different atmosphere and almost all students here are also doing research! It was amazing to talk to other passionate students and hear about their projects.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been paid by Tufts for my work. I had an outside scholarship so I was able to support myself but I believe research experiences need to be paid.


Ask questions!
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Circulation Desk Assistant

September 2018 • Medford, MA

What I liked

Very understanding and friendly supervisors.

What I wish was different


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Undergraduate Research Assistant

September 2018 - May 2019 • Medford, MA

What I liked

The graduate students as well as the faculty were very kind and always willing to help. I learned a lot of skills and developed professionally.

What I wish was different


It's helpful to come in with an idea of what you want to do!
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

May 2018 - August 2019 • Medford, MA

What I liked

Very hands on with amazing teachers

What I wish was different

Little more structure


If you are willing to work hard you will learn more than you could ever imagine
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Resident Counselor

June - August 2019 • Medford, MA

What I liked

Exploring the city was loads of fun. The students are from all over the world and so are your co-workers so you learn a lot about other cultures.

What I wish was different

Staff was very poorly managed, training did not teach what you needed to know and expectations were often unclear. Everything was constantly changing at the last second, often as a result of poor planning like not checking when buildings were open or not having rain plans.


Go with the flow, things change often and quickly so it's best to not get too attached to the schedule or expectations for the day.
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Research Assistant

June - August 2018 • Medford, MA

What I liked

I liked that we were provided time to conduct our own research.

What I wish was different

I wish we had more time to experience each part of the research process, we were only there for the end.


To be patient. Research can be unorganized and sometimes hectic s patience is key.
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Graduate Research Assistant

January - December 2018 • Medford, MA

What I liked

The work environment

What I wish was different


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Lab Intern

May - July 2018 • Medford, MA

What I liked

The lab offered a fun, independent research setting to work on a project with a grad student. It was a great chance to explore an interesting subject.

What I wish was different


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Astrophysics Research Assistant

June - August 2018 • Medford, MA

What I liked

I really enjoyed the autonomy to conduct my own research within my group.

What I wish was different


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Psychology Research Assistant

June 2018 • Medford, MA

What I liked

make your own hours, part time

What I wish was different

more work


really valuable doing hands on research and communicating with participants
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Research Assistant

June 2018 • Medford, MA

What I liked

Working on active research projects with conservation implications

What I wish was different


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Library Acquisitions Technician

February 2016 • Medford, MA

What I liked

easy job

What I wish was different

more varied experience


this is a very easy summer job
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Undergraduate Researcher

June 2018 • Medford, MA

What I liked

Getting paid to do research.

What I wish was different


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International Relations Research Scholar

June - September 2018 • Medford, MA

What I liked

It was very self-directed, my mentor was amazing, and the Tufts libraries have amazing resources.

What I wish was different


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Research Assistant

June - August 2018 • Medford, MA

What I liked

I had flexibility on projects to work on.

What I wish was different

Clear allocation of tasks.


Advocate for yourself to look for more opportunities! If there is a project you want to work on, ask about it.
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Research Assistant

May - August 2018 • Medford, MA

What I liked

The people

What I wish was different

The project


Not what you may think, different project did different things
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Global Research Assistant Program: Undergraduate Research Assistant

May - July 2018 • Vellore, Tamil Nadu

What I liked

It was an incredible opportunity living and learning abroad. It was great to learn more about what research is and contribute to the research project. Meeting students from all over the world was so fun too!

What I wish was different

Sometimes I mostly just watched others work in the lab, which wasn't the most exciting experience.


Know the culture before you go.
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Biomedical Researcher

May - August 2018 • Boston, MA

What I liked

The environment at Tufts surrounding research is one of progress and curiosity, and the BDBS program helped me understand what it’s like as a graduate and professional biomedical researcher.

What I wish was different

The time commitment was a lot, 40 hour work weeks in the lab was a large commitment but well worth it.


Never be afraid to apply for positions you believe may be beyond your skill set. You may find new interests and learn more about yourself than you think!
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