UC San Diego

Peer Education Intern

September 2019 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

Great relationship with supervisors, they really care about your success and growth. Love helping the community.

What I wish was different

I wish we had a bit more guidance about where to go afterwards!


Go for it! It'll really help you grow and set your standards high for future jobs.
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Animator Intern

May - August 2023 • La Jolla, CA

What I liked

The creative freedom and due dates, everything was so convenient and made to make everyone feel comfortable.

What I wish was different



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Residential Advisor

August 2023 • La Jolla, CA

What I liked

The ResLife team is incredibly kind and supportive - people boost your events and check in on you to make sure you're doing okay. I also appreciate the level of organization in this job - there are clear deadlines and expectations for everyone, and so many people you can ask if you have any questions at all.

What I wish was different

I'm still early in my career as an RA and I feel that this kind of question is best answered in retrospect.


Make sure to take this job seriously - it is not a light commitment. It's incredibly rewarding though with regards to the people you'll get to work with! If you love working with students this is also a great job to consider. Also another note - work life balance is slightly more difficult, but there are ways to manage it: try to keep your business documents/ creations in your business account, set boundaries early on with your residents, etc.
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student assistant

June 2023 • La Jolla, CA

What I liked

I really love how I can interact with other staffs and international faculties as I’m working here. Through valuable events, I could learn international communities, cultures, thoughts, and so on. It’s really nice job that you can develop your interpersonal skills as well as problem solving skills by handling documents and perform the administrative duties.

What I wish was different

Everything goes well so far, but I would say one thing can be changed that we can learn deeper for the duties.


I would say working on campus is definitely helpful for your future career and It has strength that very flexible hours depends on your class schedule so it won’t affect any of your academic.
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Undergraduate Researcher

July - September 2022 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

Hands-on experiences in a wet lab Exposure to new research tasks Collaborate with others in the same research team

What I wish was different

Repetitive, laborous tasks Uncreative job


Good for learning experiences with new researchers Not good for creative folks who wants to lead research projects with a passion
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Database Assistant

October 2019 • La Jolla, CA

What I liked

Got a lot of experience with databases and Python programming.

What I wish was different


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Biological Data Interpreter

September 2021 - January 2022 • La Jolla, CA

What I liked

I enjoyed collaborating with experienced data scientists to analyze metabolic interactions of different chemical compounds and genes. I learned new methods of organizing information by using the proprietary software tool, LifeLike, where I studied and created knowledge maps depicting gene/metabolite connections. Overall it was a great learning experience and I enjoyed all the research we accomplished.

What I wish was different


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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June - September 2021 • La Jolla, CA

What I liked

Remote experience, very flexible hours.

What I wish was different

In-person, lack of interpersonal relationships for work which in turn made everything seem so monotonous. Easier work but boring due to lack of face-to-face communication and collaboration.


Be on top of everything by having a set schedule, and calendar. USE GOOGLE CALENDAR!
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Triton Summer Mentor

August 2021 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

Working with prospective students

What I wish was different

For the program to be in-person


Apply if you are interested in helping inspire and support the next generation.
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Economic Research Assistant

June - August 2021 • La Jolla, CA

What I liked

It was rewarding to work closely with a faculty mentor and contribute to their research project.

What I wish was different

The experience was remote due to the ongoing pandemic; there would have been more opportunities to network and socialize with colleague in an in-person setting.


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student researcher

August 2020 • La Jolla, CA

What I liked

I liked the flexibility of the job. The prof I work for is very cool with when I work so long as I get the hours in by the end of the week.

What I wish was different



demonstrate understanding of the position and required duties during the interview.
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Research Assist

February 2020 • La Jolla, CA

What I liked

I like that the people working in the lab are very supportive and are always willing to teach things. As an undergrad, I don't know a lot about the things that go on in the lab but these people are very patient with that.

What I wish was different

I wish that I could've gone in person to the lab. Undergrads have still not been let back in because of covid. However, UC San Diego has a very low positive rate for covid. It's the rest of San Diego county that's awful with a much much higher covid positive rate.


I think putting in the effort pays off. I've learned quite a bit from the lab even though I haven't been able to go in person.
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Neurosciences Student Lab Assistant

August 2020 • La Jolla, CA

What I liked

I like that it is a flexible job in that I can come in at my own time and work at my own pace-- there is always something to do and the staff has always encouraged me to ask questions and tag along if I find something interesting

What I wish was different

I only wish that I would have been on this study from the very beginning, sometimes it feels like I'm filling in the gaps


A research job is no joke, and it is not for everyone. If you are not genuinely interested in the PI's work then you will get bored and annoyed with a job like this, and that does not benefit you nor does it benefit the PI and their work.
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undergraduate instructional assistant

October 2020 • La Jolla, CA

What I liked

I like how I got to exercise leadership, mentoring, and communication skills. I gained confidence in public speaking.

What I wish was different

Not much.


Be confident about yourself and abilities.
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Strategic Initiatives Intern

July 2020 • La Jolla, CA

What I liked

The work is meaningful and my supervisor is great.

What I wish was different

Maybe a more structured internship would be good, but given my current schedule, this works for me.


If you want to learn a new skill, let your supervisor know because they might have resources available for you that you don't know about.
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Accounting Clerk

April - May 2020 • La Jolla, CA

What I liked

I like earning relevant experience to my minor

What I wish was different

COVID cancelled the majority of the role


Take experiences as a student that you think will be helpful even if for a short time. This, though brief, likely really helped me land a job as an Auditor after graduation.
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Accounts Payable Student Assistant

January 2019 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

Flexible work hours because they understood that I was a student

What I wish was different

Transition to remote work required that I work from my personal laptop


Don't be afraid to ask questions!
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Undergraduate Research Assistant

June 2019 • San Diego, CA

What I liked

The opportunity for paid undergraduate research to address cancer disparities throughout my undergraduate career. I was also placed with a faculty mentor. A part of a cohort of diverse like-minded students with similar backgrounds. We were introduced to researching techniques during the first week of the summer program and continued learning skills to create an abstract to submit to the International Cancer Education Conference where we presented our poster/oral presentation. The first program I was a part of in the summer before transferring was Creating Scientists to Address Cancer Disparities. Then, my mentor Dr. Sadler was able to continue the program under a different name, Youth Enjoy Science, while still funding me for 10 hours per week during the academic year and full time for eight weeks during the summer.

What I wish was different


Search early on for opportunities before transferring/entering the university. If already entered, continue to look for opportunities while maintaining good grades. There are more opportunities available on campus than one can commit to so do not rush things if the timing does not feel right.
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Application Developer

May 2020 • La Jolla, CA

What I liked

The staff are the nicest, most patient, driven people I have ever met. They are amazing mentors and I have learned so much from them. I loved the amount of collaboration I was able to participate in while gaining experience from a remote perspective.

What I wish was different

I wish the training platform they used (Pluralsight) didn't have to end, but I obviously understand that was a funding issue.


Get out of your comfort zone.
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TRELS Scholar

June - August 2020 • La Jolla, CA

What I liked

The research program allowed a lot of freedom for students to work, whether it be on research, experiential learning projects, or a combination of the two. The inclusion of the Summer Research Conference was good practice for professional presentation etiquette, and it added yet another great thing to my CV!

What I wish was different


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