University of Kentucky Pigman College of Engineering

Research Assistant

January 2021 - August 2022 • Lexington, KY

What I liked

Great environment and mentorship opportunity. I got a lot of career advice for the future while getting hands-on experience.

What I wish was different

I would have liked a paid position.


Research teaches you a lot about one very specific area, besides some basics of research and mechanical engineering, it can be difficult to apply much of your experience to other opportunities.
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Outreach Ambassador

January - May 2020 • Lexington, KY

What I liked

Having the opportunity to reach students in elementary and middle school and teach them about science

What I wish was different

I wish we could have went to high schools and give tours to incoming freshmen.


I would say, always keep an open mind about events and opportunities.
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Undergraduate Researcher

May 2018 • Lexington, KY

What I liked

I liked working with Dr. Baker and the other grad students on collaborative projects. I felt like a part of the team and that my project would actually be beneficial to our lab and the computer science community.

What I wish was different

I wish I had a better understanding of my project going into the job. There were a few skills I wasn't aware that I would need to finish my project, and I had to spend research time learning those skills instead of developing my project.


Spend time working on your presentation and writing skills in addition to your research. Half the battle is being able to effectively communicate your findings, so being able to make an effective presentation goes a long way.
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