Visionary Artistry Online Magazine

Writer Intern

June - August 2019 • Atlanta, GA

What I liked

I enjoyed being able to work remotely because it fit more with my work and school schedules. I also like the quick one-on-one communication I had with my supervisor; it felt like I had someone to confide in about any questions I had about the article I was writing.

What I wish was different

When sending my article drafts in for revision, I would've liked to see a second opinion more often. When I first started, there were two people reading the article and giving me different points of feedback, but as I continued my internship, the other person disappeared. I believe I could shape my articles better and be more confident in my writing if there were more eyes looking at it.


Be sure to schedule in your deadlines and events (if you were asked to go to any) into your work/school schedule. Yes, the internship is remote but story ideas are released every week. Make time to include planning and writing your drafts and revisions in your schedule so you don't fall behind.
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